Recent Decisions

Kay v Chief Executive of Queensland Corrective Services [2024] QSC 167 (Davis J) (with M Black)

Johnston & Ors v Carroll (Commissioner of the Queensland Police Service) & Anor; Witthahn & Ors v Wakefield (Chief Executive of Hospital and Health Services and Director General of Queensland Health); Sutton & Ors. [2024] QSC 2 (Martin SJA)(27 February 2024) (In Proceeding Number 12168 of 2021 Sutton & Ors) (led by D O’Gorman SC)

Valkyrie and Hill v Shelton [2023] QCAT 302 (currently being appealed)

Sandy v Queensland Human Rights Commissioner (No 2) [2023] QSC 74 (Williams J) (14 April 2023) (unled)

Sandy v Queensland Human Rights Commissioner [2022] QSC 277 (Williams J) (9 December 2022) (led by D O’Gorman SC)

DMQ20 v Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs [2022] FCA 514 (Collier J) (6 May 2022) (appealed to the FCFCA and the HCA)

Inquest into the Death of Logan Dreier (high speed police pursuit fatality, Gold Coast (briefed to represent the Family) (14 October 2021) (with M Rawlings of Counsel instructed by Caxton Community Legal Centre)

Aronis v Aronis [2022] QSC 39 (Jackson J) (30 March 2022) (led by K Howe with T O’Brien of Counsel)

Sharon Cayzer v Ambulance Victoria [2021] FWC 6553 (Deputy President Mansini) (9 December 2021) (unled against Frank Parry QC and Jack Tracey of Counsel)

Karmakar v Minister for Health (No 2) [2021] FCA 916 (Logan J) (led by Julian Burnside QC with Rachel de Luchi of Counsel)